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GA4 6 h (ga1, seed)
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Score Experiment Genotype Treatment / Tissue Control Experiment Experimental Category Correlation Gene list
1 GA4 6 h (ga1, seed) ga1-3 5 µM GA4 / seeds Mock 6 h (ga1, seed) Effect of gibberellin during seed imbibition 1.00  
2 GA4 3 h (ga1, seed) ga1-3 5 µM GA4 / seeds Mock 3 h (ga1, seed) Effect of gibberellin during seed imbibition 0.92  
3 GA4 9 h (ga1, seed) ga1-3 5 µM GA4 / seeds Mock 9 h (ga1, seed) Effect of gibberellin during seed imbibition 0.90  
4 Imbibed 24 h ABA 3uM (seed) Col-0 imbibed seeds (3 µM
ABA) / seeds
Imbibed 24 h (seed) Effect of ABA during seed imbibition -0.68  
5 GA3 3 h (ga1) ga1-5 1 µM GA3 / seedling Mock 3 h (ga1) Basic hormone treatment of seedlings 0.66  
6 GA3 1 h (ga1) ga1-5 1 µM GA3 / seedling Mock 1 h (ga1) Basic hormone treatment of seedlings 0.64  
7 Senescing leaf Col-0 no treatment / senescing
Control for tissue data Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.53  
8 Seeds stage8 w/o siliques Col-0 no treatment / seeds
stage 8, w/o siliques
(long days)
Control for tissue data Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.53  
9 Osmotic Stress 24 h (root) Col-0 osmotic stress (300 mM
mannitol) / roots
Stress mock 24 h (root) Stress treatments -0.52  
10 Prohexadione 12 h Col-0 10 µM prohexadione /
Mock 12 h Effect of GA inhibitors on seedlings -0.50  