Experimental Category
----- ARR21C overexpression Basic hormone treatment Botrytis cinerea infection Brassinosteroids treatment Comparison of plant hormone related mutant Cytokinin treatment Different temperature treatment Effect of ABA Effect of GA inhibitors Effect of auxin Effect of brassinosteroid Effect of ethylene Effect of gibberellin Effect of other Elicitor treatments GEO bulk Light treatments Pseudomonas syringae infection Response to sulfate limitation Stress treatments Time course of early seed germination organs / tissues at different ages OR AND
----- ARR21C-ox ARR22-ox At1g54160 ox (NFYA5) Col Ler Nahg WS WT ag ahg1 ahg3 ap1 ap2 ap3 arf19 arf2 axr3 bri1 coi1 cry1 det2 ein2 ga1 gh3.5-1D gl1 hy5 iaa17 iaa5 iaa6 iaa19 lfy lwd1lwd2 nph4 phyA phyB pif1 sav3 siz1 tga2 5 6 ufo OR AND
----- 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid 2,4,6-Trihydroxy- benzamide ABA ACC AVG AgNO3 B.cinerea infection Benzyl adenin Blue Light Brassinazole Brassinolide Brz220 Cold Stress Cycloheximide DC3000 Daminozide Dark Drought Stress E.orontii Infection Estradiol Etiol FR Light Fe starvation Flagellin GA3 GA4 GST Genotoxic Stress HairpinZ Heat Recovery IAA Ibuprofen K starvation Lipopolysaccaride MG132 Methyl Jasmonate Naphthyl- phthalamic acid Norflurazon OPDA Osmotic Stress Oxidative Stress P-chlorophenoxy- isobutyric acid P. infestans P.syringae PNO8 Paclobutrazol Phaseolicola Phytoprostane A1 Prohexadione Propiconazole RedLight Salicylic Acid Salt Stress Selenate UV Stress UV-A UV-AB Uniconazole Wounding Stress t-zeatin OR AND
----- carpel cauline leaves cotyledon flower hypocotyl leaf pedicel petal pollen root root rosette leaf seedling seeds senescing leaves sepal shoot shoot apex silique stamen stamen stem OR AND