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Dark 44min pls RedLigh 1min
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Score Experiment Genotype Treatment / Tissue Control Experiment Experimental Category Correlation Gene list
1 Dark 44min pls RedLigh 1min Col-0 1 min. red light pulse
followed by 44 min.
darkness / seedlings
Dark 45 min Light treatments 1.00  
2 Dark 40 min pls UV-A 5 min Col-0 5 min. UV-A light pulse
followed by 40 min. of
darkness / seedlings
Dark 45 min Light treatments 0.92  
3 Dark 40min pls UV-AB 5min Col-0 5 min. UV-A/B light
pulse followed by 40
min. of darkness /
Dark 45 min Light treatments 0.89  
4 Red Light 1h Col-0 Red Light / seedling Wild type(Dark) GEO bulk 0.89  
5 Mutant phyAphyB (Red Light 1h) phyA phyB Red Light / seedling Red Light 1h GEO bulk -0.85  
6 Mutant phyA (Red Light 1h) phyA Red Light / seedling Red Light 1h GEO bulk -0.71  
7 FarRed Light 45min Col-0 continuous far red light
/ seedlings
White Light 45min Light treatments -0.70  
8 Dark 4 h pls UV-AB 5min Col-0 5 min. UV-A/B light
pulse followed by 4 h
of darkness / seedlings
Dark 4 h Light treatments 0.68  
9 Dark 4 h pls RedLight 1min Col-0 1 min. red light pulse
followed by 4 h of
darkness / seedlings
Dark 4 h Light treatments 0.59  
10 Red Light 4 h Col-0 continuous Red Light /
White Light 4 h Light treatments -0.58  
11 IAA 3 h Col-0 1 µM IAA / seedling Mock 3 h Basic hormone treatment of seedlings -0.57  
12 Dark 4 h pls UV-A 5 min Col-0 5 min. UV-A light pulse
followed by 4 h of
darkness / seedlings
Dark 4 h Light treatments 0.57  
13 FarRed Light 4 h Col-0 continuous far red light
/ seedlings
White Light 4 h Light treatments 0.52  
14 Mutant iaa5_6_19 iaa5 iaa6 iaa19 mock / seedling Col GEO bulk 0.33  
15 Blue Light 4 h Col-0 continuous Blue Light /
White Light 4 h Light treatments 0.32  
16 IAA 0.5 h Col-0 1 µM IAA / seedling Mock 0.5 h Basic hormone treatment of seedlings -0.29  
17 ABA 1 h Col-0 10 µM ABA / seedling Mock 1 h Basic hormone treatment of seedlings 0.07  
18 ABA 0.5 h Col-0 10 µM ABA / seedling Mock 0.5 h Basic hormone treatment of seedlings -0.04  