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Mutant NahG(leaf)
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Score Experiment Genotype Treatment / Tissue Control Experiment Experimental Category Correlation Gene list
1 Mutant NahG(leaf) Nahg no treatment / leaves Col-0 (leaf) GEO bulk 1.00  
2 Salicylic Acid 3 h Col-0 10µM salicylic acid
/ seedlings
Mock 3 h Effect of other inhibitors on seedlings -0.74  
3 Mutant siz1-3 (Drought) siz1-3 Drought / not
Col-0 (Drought) GEO bulk -0.68  
4 UV Stress 24 h (shoot) Col-0 UV-B stress (15 min 1.8
W/m2 Philips TL40W/12;
thereafter recovery) /
Stress mock 24 h (shoot) Stress treatments -0.67  
5 Mutant ufo-1(flower) ufo-1 no treatment / flower
stage 12; filamentous
organs in whorls two and
Flowers stage12 Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.67  
6 Rosette leaf No12 gl1-T no treatment / rosette
leaf #12
Control for tissue data Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.66  
7 Mutant ag-12(flower) ag-12 no treatment / flower
stage 12; no stamens or
Flowers stage12 Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.66  
8 Mutant siz1-3 siz1-3 mock / not identified Col-0 GEO bulk -0.66  
9 Distal half (leaf7) Col-0 no treatment / leaf 7,
distal half
Control for tissue data Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.65  
10 Pedicels stage15 Col-0 no treatment / flowers
stage 15, pedicels
Control for tissue data Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.64  
11 Mutant clv3-7(flower) clv3-7 no treatment / flower
stage 12; multi-carpel
gynoeceum; enlarged
meristem; increased
organ number
Flowers stage12 Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages 0.64  
12 Mutant ga1-5 ga1-5 no treatment / seedling Ler-1 Comparison of plant hormone related mutant 0.63  
13 P-chlorophenoxy- isobutyric acid 3 h Col-0 10 µM PCIB /
Mock 3 h Effect of auxin inhibitors on seedlings -0.62  
14 Proximalhalf (leaf7) Col-0 no treatment / leaf 7,
proximal half
Control for tissue data Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.61  
15 Mutant lfy-12(flower) lfy-12 no treatment / flower
stage 12; shoot
characteristics; most
organs leaf-like
Flowers stage12 Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.61  
16 Mutant sav3-2 (WL) sav3-2 Continuous white light /
Col-0 (WL) GEO bulk -0.61  
17 Cauline leaves Col-0 no treatment / cauline
Control for tissue data Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.57  
18 ARR22-ox ARR22-ox no treatment / seedling Col-0 Cytokinin treatment of seedlings 0.56  
19 Rosette leaf No2 Col-0 no treatment / rosette
leaf #4
Control for tissue data Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.56  
20 Mutant ap3-6(flower) ap3-6 no treatment / flower
stage 12; no petals or
Flowers stage12 Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.55  
21 Mutant sav3-2 (SH) sav3-2 Low R:FR light /
Col-0 (SH) GEO bulk -0.54  
22 Heat Recovery 24 h (root) Col-0 heat stress + 3 h
recovery (25˚) /
Stress mock 24 h (root) Stress treatments -0.51  
23 Senescing leaf Col-0 no treatment / senescing
Control for tissue data Developmental series; organs / tissues at different ages -0.51  
24 Mutant lwd1_lwd2 lwd1lwd2 no treatment / shoot Wildtype for phy mutants GEO bulk 0.51  
25 Mutant tga2_5_6 tga2 5 6 mock / seedling Col-0 GEO bulk -0.50  
26 Mutant ein2(leaf) ein2 no treatment / leaves Col-0 (leaf) GEO bulk 0.46  
27 GST 4 h (leaf) Col-0 infiltrated with 1µM
GST / leaves
Mock 4 h (leaf) Elicitor treatments -0.17  
28 FarRed Light 45min Col-0 continuous far red light
/ seedlings
White Light 45min Light treatments 0.03  